22 | NUMBER of the week

  • The Hebrew alphabet contains 22 letters.
  • 22 is XXII in Roman numerals and 二十二 in Chinese symbols.
  • 22 is 10110 in the binary numbering system, 26 in octal, and 16 in hexadecimal.
  • Twenty-two is an even composite number, a pentagonal number, a centered heptagonal number, a central polygonal number, a Perrin number, an Erdős–Woods number, a Smith number in base 10, the sixth discrete semiprime, the fourth in the (2 × q) family, the fifth composite number found in the 7-aliquot tree, and the aliquot sum of 20 and 38.
  • I assumed there would be no math :-/
  • In Joshua 19, the tribe of Asher were allotted 22 cities with their villages.
  • Jair was one of Israel's judges for 22 years.
  • The kings of Israel Jeroboam I and Ahab both reigned for 22 years.
  • SourceCC BY-SA 3.0, unmodified
  • The kings of Judah Ahaziah and Amon began their reigns at the age of 22.
  • In soccer and American football, there are a total of 22 players on the field at one time.
  • In a URL, a quotation mark shows up as %22.

American history
  • In 1819, Alabama became the 22nd state to join the Union.
  • Grover Cleveland, the 22nd U.S. President, is the only U.S. President that has served nonconsecutive terms.
  • At 22 years of age, Cyrus Hall McCormick created a working mechanical reaper.
  • Elvis Presley bought Graceland when he was 22.
  • Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0 FR
  • Steve Jobs was 22 when he and Steve Wozniak introduced the Apple II, the first consumer product sold by Apple Computer.

"I will declare thy name unto my brethren:
in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee."
Psalm 22:22 KJV
